Field Guide to the Butterflies of Cyprus with Distribution Maps
by Eddie John and Christodoulos Makris
Siri Scientific Press (2023, October 1st) 978-1-8381528-8-8 RRP £19.99
160 pp, 210 x 148 mm, soft cover, 261 colour photographs & illustrations
IN STOCK - Usually ships within 48 hours
Cyprus Mail, Nov 27, 2023 (edited): A pocket-sized companion guide to the butterflies of Cyprus and while it’s perfect for the island’s most passionate lepidopterists, it’s also a delight for brand-new butterfly buffs. For the former, it’s got everything from an exhaustive breakdown of endemic species and subspecies to phenology, hostplant data, and detailed distribution maps that tell you exactly where you’ll find which species and when. Basically, all the info you’ll need to set off on an exciting butterfly spotting expedition. On the other hand, if you can’t tell a Skipper from a Swallowtail but can’t wait to ascertain which species settled on your sage, you can flick straight to the photos. There are at least two detailed pictures of every possible island butterfly, and they certainly make for lovely viewing.
From the back cover
Unlock the captivating world of Cyprus’ butterflies with this authoritative and stunning field guide designed for both seasoned lepidopterists and budding naturalists alike. Written by respected lepidopterists, with a combined experience of more than 50 years in the study of the island’s butterflies, this field guide provides:
• Expertly Curated Species Profiles: Discover 57 recorded butterfly species, each showcased with photographs, distribution map and a monthly occurrence chart and accompanied by detailed descriptions (including how to differentiate them from similar species), behavioural insights, larval foodplants and habitat preferences.
• Prime Viewing Locations: Navigate the island’s rich landscapes with expertly crafted and fully updated (to July 2023) distribution maps to identify prime butterfly hotspots. Reference to these maps will help direct readers to areas of the island where species of interest are more likely to be found.
• New Species Occurrence Data: Unique information on the Caper White (Belenois aurota), new to Cyprus in 2023, and on the False Plain Tiger or Diadem (Hypolimnas misippus), a species that also appeared on the island in 2023, after an absence of 87 years.
Whether you are a seasoned butterfly enthusiast or a curious nature lover, Field Guide to the Butterflies of Cyprus is an essential companion that promises to kindle your passion for, and appreciation of, these elegant creatures. Whether you are exploring the Troodos Mountains or the picturesque coastlines, this guide ensures you will not miss a single butterfly encounter.
1. Introduction
2. Where to see butterflies in Cyprus
Coastal habitats
Wetlands, dams and dry riverbeds
Intermediate hilly elevations
Mountainous habitats
3. How to use this book
Distribution maps
Key to distribution map entries
What do the maps tell us?
Where and when to expect
Larval foodplants
Similar species
4. Composition of the Island’s Butterflies
Breakdown by family
List of species
Endemic species and subspecies
5. Presentation of Species
6. Potential Additions to the Cyprus List
Abbreviations, Acronyms & Glossary
Index of Common Lepidoptera Names
Index of Scientific Lepidoptera Names
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