Ordovician Trilobites of Southern Ontario, Canada and the Surrounding Region
by Phillip A. Isotalo (foreword by David M. Rudkin, Royal Ontario Museum)
Siri Scientific Press (2015) 978-0-9929979-1-5 RRP £21.00
224 pp, 240 x 165 mm, soft cover, 165 colour illustrations, mainly photographs
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Newsletter of the Paleontological Society (Priscum, Fall 2017, page 21): "The book is written to accommodate non-academics, but is still scholarly and fully referenced. With its reasonable price, the book will be a must-have for trilobite aficionados.... The meat of the book is the trilobite descriptions and pictures, fully accounting for half of the pages. Nearly every species of Ordovician trilobite from the region is given its own section with photographs and a brief discussion of its distribution and important morphological features. ... Overall, this is an outstanding work with illustrations that will please all audiences as well as an attention to references that please pedants like myself."
American Museum of Natural History Trilobite Website (2015, abridged). "... pushes previous boundaries by presenting more detailed photographs of far more aesthetic specimens while significantly updating the known database regarding formations, stratigraphy and fossil distribution. With an entertaining and informative foreword penned by David Rudkin of the ROM, Ordovician Trilobites Of Southern Ontario, Canada and the Surrounding Region tackles its chosen subject with intelligence, insight and at times a surprising degree of ingenuity. … a fantastic and much-needed reference volume for both the avid collector and the professional paleontologist."
Newsletter of the Palaeontological Association (No. 90, pages 107-108) "This is an enchanting book, and a welcome addition to any trilobite-lover’s library. It is basically an illustrated guide to the trilobites of a classic region of North America, with all the photographs in colour, some being full-page. ... It is now 36 years since the publication of Rolf Ludvigsen’s admirable Fossils of Ontario Part 1: The Trilobites, and as David Rudkin notes in his Foreword, many additional species from Ontario have been collected, described and illustrated since then. The time was ripe for another book on the trilobite treasure-trove of southern Ontario, and this fulfils all expectations. Both amateur palaeontologists and professionals less familiar with the region can benefit greatly from it. It is nicely written and clearly presented."
From the back cover
Trilobites are fascinating creatures that ruled the early Paleozoic seas. These arthropods first appeared in the Cambrian Period, lived for hundreds of millions of years and went extinct at the end of the Permian Period, around 251 million years ago, before the arrival of the dinosaurs. Trilobites lived in a variety of marine environments ranging from shallow tropical seas to the depths of polar oceans and were distributed globally.
The remains of trilobites are ubiquitous in Paleozoic Era sedimentary rocks of North America and are found throughout Southern Ontario, Canada, with trilobites also being found in neighboring Quebec and New York State. This book illustrates some of the best preserved Ordovician trilobites of the region and provides a thorough description of the trilobite species found in Southern Ontario.
This book will appeal to anyone interested in Paleozoic fossils and trilobites, from academics to beginning amateur and seasoned collectors. Ordovician Trilobites of Southern Ontario, Canada and the Surrounding Region is a comprehensive regional guide that explores an important part of Canada’s early geological history.
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