EBOOK - Surviving the Coronavirus Gym Lockdown: A powerlifting and personal training perspective
By Dr David Penney PhD, DSc
Siri Scientific Press (2020) 978-1-8381528-0-2. RRP £2.99
70 pp., 70 colour photographs
IN STOCK - Immediate download
This work constitutes a chapter from a forthcoming book on Masters Powerlifting, but given the content may help and/or be of interest to others, especially powerlifters and personal trainers, during these difficult times, it was decided to release it prior to completion of the book, which is a long way off.
The book is very much a personal account of how the author (a powerlifter) and his wife (a personal trainer) overcame the loss of commercial training facilities and still managed to maintain their respective training programs and 1-1 PT business, once the social distancing restrictions permitted. It will also be of interest to regular gym goers who do more than just run on cardio machines. The book file from this automatic download is in pdf format.
The author is a 52-years-old Masters 2, -105kg Powerlifter and has been competing in the British North West Division for several years. He has placed 1st in the North West Bench Championships 2018, 1st in the North West Masters 2019 and, most recently, 2nd on the national stage at the British Bench Press Championships 2020. He is also a qualified level 1 GB Powerlifting Coach and the author of Escape the Fat Trap: it’s not rocket science!
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