Dinosaurs of the British Isles
by Dean Lomax and Nobumichi Tamura
Siri Scientific Press (2014) 978-0-9574530-5-0 RRP £33.00
416 pp, 240 x 165 mm, soft cover, 800+ colour photographs & illustrations
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Proc. Geol. Assoc. (2014) ...a truly encyclopaedic coverage of all British dinosaur species. It is absolutely up to date on the taxomony of the material, with all the new names recently introduced for British ornithischians included. Search as I might, I found no omissions. This is a thorough, scholarly work presented in a format accessible to everyone. Every dinosaur worker in the world should have a copy.
PalAss Newsl. (2014) Dinosaurs of the British Isles is easily the single best reference on British dinosaurs that has ever been produced.
Scientific American.com (2015) Over 400 pages long, beautifully produced and designed and absolutely stuffed full of colour photos and life reconstructions, it’s a lavish and comprehensive guide to the Mesozoic dinosaurs of Britain - the most complete version of this sort of thing published so far. ... the key thing about this book is its use of imagery. The book is packed with visuals: with beautiful, large, high-fidelity images of fossils, with photos of field sites and museum displays, with skeletal reconstructions, and with numerous life reconstructions. Even if the text were useless or execrable (which it isn’t), I would tell people to buy the book for its pictures alone, especially the specimen photos. There are pages and pages and pages of them. Many exceed in quality the only existing published pictures of the specimens concerned, and it’s obvious that Dean went to extraordinary trouble to obtain them.
Fossil News (Summer 2017: 47-48) In Dinosaurs of the British Isles Dean R. Lomax and illustrator Nobumichi Tamura have compiled something very different and nearly timeless. ... It is the combination of the illustrations with the bare bones themselves that set this guide apart. ... It is the core of the research that Lomax has done that makes the book exceptional. ... It is a book that will start budding palaeontologists on a lifetime journey and will whet the appetites of professionals with a catalog of what lies hidden in private collections and museums.
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